Tested operating systems:
Windows 2000, Windows Vista, Windows XP
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2008-05-26 12:25:52 - Operating System/Rating: Windows XP

2009-01-20 10:00:18 - Operating System/Rating: Windows XP

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Post License:
I have great issues concerning the software. It takes over as a default network in all my network machine hence blocking me from communicating with my server denying me access to any other site.
2009-04-05 11:05:51 - Operating System/Rating: Windows 2000

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I share all these concerns, 2hotspot has ruined my wifi setup. Trying to contact them has been useless. I am desperately trying to undo all the changes made but to no luck. If anything 2hotspot should be held accountable.
2009-09-30 10:38:00 - Operating System/Rating: Windows XP

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Post License:
Messed up my whole system.
During installation you are advised to ignore the warnings you get.
From the manual:
To simplify your installation experience for the unsigned driver, during the installation of the 2hotspot controller you will be prompted to change Microsoft Windows driver signing warnings to Ignore, if you choose not change these settings, multiple warnings will be displayed during the driver installation. If you see these warnings, click continue anyway each time a warning is displayed.
Well, this ended up with multiple BSOD and a system that hardly restarted even in safe mode. After a system roll back uninstallation is a pain because the uninstall.log was not present, manual deletion was only possible with a file unlocker FileAssasin and the registry had to be cleaned bit by bit. And still traces are left.
During installation you are advised to ignore the warnings you get.
From the manual:
To simplify your installation experience for the unsigned driver, during the installation of the 2hotspot controller you will be prompted to change Microsoft Windows driver signing warnings to Ignore, if you choose not change these settings, multiple warnings will be displayed during the driver installation. If you see these warnings, click continue anyway each time a warning is displayed.
Well, this ended up with multiple BSOD and a system that hardly restarted even in safe mode. After a system roll back uninstallation is a pain because the uninstall.log was not present, manual deletion was only possible with a file unlocker FileAssasin and the registry had to be cleaned bit by bit. And still traces are left.
Post License:
1) It will fight you, tooth and nail, when you try to uninstall it. When you try to uninstall it it goes to your registry and that's when it does "bad thing" 2;
2) It pegs your CPU, sets off spy/virus scanners by editing YOUR administrative permission to alter its registry keys so that you CAN'T uninstall it. Not Only that, but it also deletes even Administer privilige to edit/delete its registry keys, and other entries, from the registry.
I'll admit to NOT of being as educated in my Windows Registry as I'd like to be, but:
1)I couldn't uninstall it;
2)My Sunbelt Virus Scanning software caught it making registry changes that virus and malware are known to make when they are becoming destructive;
3)I couldn't delete the registry keys, values and data-types because it changed my administrative privilige FOR THAT PIECE OF SOFTWARE ONLY (as far as I am aware);
4)If I hadn't known how to reset administrative privilige I would NOT have been able to uninstall it, IN SPITE OF TRYING TO DO SO FROM ***THE SAME*** ADMINISTRATIVRE ACCOUNT THAT INSTALLED IT
5) I couldn't even do the above until AFTER I deleted the exe file with "Pocket Pillbox".
6) If you are unfamilier with networking you should NOT try to run this piece of software. It will reset your network so that EVEN THE PC OR THE SERVER YOU INSTALLED IT ON must use its own networking card and go through the software to get back online. (
7) It constantly insists on being online even if you log off. (If you can't shut off your networking card INDEPENDENTLY of the rest of your PC, get Zone Alarm or something so you can shut-down the internet connection when you want your system offline.
8) To use this software you must follow these points, plus the hops back and forth: user computer> server/router> internet>> "your destination site on the internet";
9) This ISN'T okey with me. If I wanted some software company tracking my usage I wouldn't be using coffee shops and anonymous proxy.
When this software is finished with its beta runs, and has been perfected, I can recommend it for the following reasons:
1) It allows you to accept payment through paypal;
2) You never have to meet the people receiving service,
(Though you SHOULD offer fair services for payment received, or have a "usage as is" contact available on a web-site and that web-site available for everyone to view, AND a referal to that web-site to have legal protection in case they can't get online.)
3) You can set up a wireless connection for the internet and easily add your room-mates and others;
4) You can easily charge or bill them.
5) You can set the terms of service, payment, restrictions and EASILY bill them.
For example, you can bill them a usage fee of $5.00 p/day UNLESS they actually sign-up and pay a monthly payment fee of "$XX.00"
(Where X or XX = amount per day/week/month)
For me to start using it I would have to see it
1) NOT require me to run all my internet service through the software company,
2) I would have to be able to run everything through an anonymizer on my side of the server before it ever got to the company
(I have two [2] B.S. degrees in computer science [MS Networking and Unix Systems Administration] and it STILL took me MORE THAN 8 hours to uninstall the software, re-edit my administrator account, find the administrator re-created because it was either deleted outright [or it was accidently deleted by ME - not sure which, to be honest] and even though I've been out of work sick for the last 5 or 6 years, the time spent if I HAD been in practice would have been at least 3 hours. NOT ACCEPTABLE!)
I'd love to hear from others. I could just be misunderstanding the software.