About Us
- That G-E-E-K should be more than just a four-letter word, but a way of life.
- That the proper use of a pocket protector is not only handy, but one snazzy fashion statement.
- That having computers as a hobby does not necessarily rule out chicks.
- That access to a collection of Geekware*, is a right not a privilege.
At the root of MajorGeeks are files for your computer that tweak, repair, back-up, enhance, protect and more. We like to think of MajorGeeks as a very large toolbox for your PC. Having the right tool for the job is all you need to make your PC behave the way you want it. Sorry, you will not find any Sexy Asian Ladies screensavers, E-books on how to comb a horse, software reviews written by a philosophy major in Romania or ANY bias. We really hope you enjoy the difference. If you need further assistance, please visit our Boot Camp, check out our must have free downloads list or for personal help, stop by our Support Forum and ask for help. We believe you will find our forums friendly to newcomers.
Special note about malware: MajorGeeks tests all software before making it available to the public. We have always done this since we were called TweakFiles back in 1997 when malware did not even exist. When cookies were yummy. When a virus meant you were sick. It is now all the rage for websites, even the largest ones out there, to give out 5 star awards and claim they offer malware free tested downloads to get their website linked. Most actually do not.
Our tests includes:
The Software Awards Scam is a classic example that still applies today. A lot of these large websites will do whatever they have to in order to get traffic from authors. We have even seen websites offer to remove negative reviews for authors to trade for traffic. Can you imagine? Please, be careful who you trust.
MajorGeeks is brought to you by:

Producers & Geekware Aficionados
Corporal Punishment a.k.a Jim McMahon & Major Attitude a.k.a Tim Tibbetts.
Please read carefully: This is a small two man operation. If you expect a response, please email the correct person. There are 2 simple choices:
Simply put, tim@ for content, jim@ for business.
[Please do not email us for tech support. The Support Forums have hundreds, even thousands of geeks waiting to help you. Thanks!]
Eric "Major Issues" Greb
PHP Geek
Commandant Philipp Esselbach
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We welcome links back to Majorgeeks. Grab a button and place it on your server. Note: These buttons look great on ALL color websites, but some may appear blurry on our own unusual color. Also, an Editors Pick button is available, please email us if your program has been selected as an Editor's Pick.

Older buttons:

*Geekware - Software that makes your machine much geekier than it was.
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