Audio | SongGenie 2.2.7
Date: 08/14/2014 05:41 PM Size: 10.9 MB License: Shareware $29.99 Requires: OS X 10.5/10.6/10.7/10.8/10.9 Downloaded: 2331 times TIP: MacKeeper app delivers a secure and private internet experience, while helping your Mac run like new. |
Find lyrics for your songs
No more guessing and no more misheard lyrics. Display your favorite songs with lyrics on your iPhone or just about any iPod too.
Analyze your music library
See which tracks are missing lyrics, song info or cover art. The new indicator shows how close you are to collection perfection.
Tidy titles, typos and song info
Are you all worked up over incorrect track info and too many genres? SongGenie will help you freshen your tunes right up.
Identify unknown songs
Figure out the names of unknown songs. SongGenie creates an acoustic fingerprint and tries to find out all available track info.
OS X 10.5+