Glossary - Index E
[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 ]
ECC: Error Correcting Code - A method of generating redundant information which can be used to detect and correct errors in stored or transmitted data.EDO: Extended Data Output - a type of random access memory (RAM) chip designed to improve the time to read from memory on faster microprocessors such as the Intel Pentium.
EEPROM: Electronically Eraseable Programmable Read Only Memory - like ROM cannot be erased unless it recieves proper erasing signals from the mother deivce. Commonly used for BIOS's of motherboards.
EMI: Electromagnetic Interference - A form of electronic radiation which can potentially corrupt data transfer.
ESD Strap: A device that plugs into a standard outlet which discharges static electricity from a person.
Ethernet: The most widely-installed local area network technology. An Ethernet LAN typically uses coaxial cable or special grades of twisted pair wires.