Mac.MajorGeeks to Shut Down - Merge With MajorGeeks.Com
Posted on: 05/24/2021 06:31 PM

MajorGeeks has always been a small operation focused on quality and maintained by a tiny, underpaid team. Jim runs the business end, Tim manages the website, and Jon helps out with the daily updates. Our forums are also maintained by volunteers who have believed in us for 20 years.

Over the course of 20 years, much has changed financially, personally, and professionally. Our friend, Krista, has managed the Mac website for us putting in much more time than she ever received financially. Much like MajorGeeks, Mac was a passion project. Krista has other obligations now and has decided to move on. We remain friends and always will be.

Because of this, updates ceased on May 14th, and we intend to delete the website eventually. For Jim, Jon, and myself, MajorGeeks is a 24-7 project that we've proudly maintained for over 20 years, never missing a day. It dominates our lives. It's our career, passion, and hobby. In the case of the Mac website, the backend has become outdated and more difficult to maintain. While remains just as ugly, it's much more functional for the publishers and readers.

While we know many Mac users don't use a PC, we heard from a surprising number of Mac users who also use our Windows website and said they will still visit MajorGeeks. Recently, we started adding Linux distros and downloads when we have something already listed that supports Linux. We are now officially doing the same with Mac.

What makes this easy is that the Mac website had a lot of shareware, while MajorGeeks tends to carry more freeware and Open Source software. This makes updating the website easy because we already list most of the free Mac apps, and Krista even used MajorGeeks as an update source for Mac.

As of May 24th, we have added icons on the main download pages to help you spot updates for the Mac:

We may add these icons to all the file listing pages; however, since Linux and Mac are relatively new, it wouldn't make sense; yet.

We appreciate your continued support over the past 20+ years! Thanks for visiting.

You can visit the main website at

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