2009-02-09 08:21:31 - Operating System/Rating: Ark Linux
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Works flawlessly.
Built-in Sil3112A controller however has its own serious bug. Never transfer files between TWO sata hard drives connected to it at the same time. This results in serious data corruption, due to internal cache problem. Firmware update doesn`t help since chip is built-in and local BIOS cannot load SATABIOS patches.
Sil3512 has this problem patched. Also works good on this board.(Or use any other SATA PCI card).
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Built-in Sil3112A controller however has its own serious bug. Never transfer files between TWO sata hard drives connected to it at the same time. This results in serious data corruption, due to internal cache problem. Firmware update doesn`t help since chip is built-in and local BIOS cannot load SATABIOS patches.
Sil3512 has this problem patched. Also works good on this board.(Or use any other SATA PCI card).