Dukes of Hazzard: Racing for Home
SouthPeak Interactive
Tested operating systems:
Windows XP
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Dukes of Hazzard: Racing for Home
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Hazzard:, Racing
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I think this is caused by the program does not run on multi-core processors
This is how I got round the problem
Before starting the game get the task manager running
Start the program
The game menu is pictrial, move mouse over a toolbox to access the game settings sub menu, etc.
Make a note of where the active areas are.
Do not use them or the game will lock up - but I guess if you're reading this far you know that.
ALT/TAB to get into the task manager
From the processes menu select frontend.exe
Set affinity to a single cpu
ALT/TAB to return to the game
The menu screen will be seriously corrupted but still works
Move mouse to where the car bonnet which is the start game area, or the notice board for a saved game
Play game
You will need to do this every time you play the game because the settings are not preserved