Fuji FinePix S5500
Tested operating systems:
Gentoo Linux, Ubuntu Linux
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Fuji FinePix S5500
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2005-10-26 15:32:18 - Operating System/Rating: Gentoo Linux
2005-10-29 15:02:08 - Operating System/Rating: Ubuntu Linux
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Plugging in this camera brings up the image export program automatically. I did not need to install any drivers or use the cli for setting it up. It just worked on Ubuntu gnome.
One word of warning though, if you then install the KDE desktop environment on Ubuntu this camera no longer works although it still will work if you switch desktop back to gnome.
One word of warning though, if you then install the KDE desktop environment on Ubuntu this camera no longer works although it still will work if you switch desktop back to gnome.
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The problem is in webcam mode, that are unsupported.
So you can use the digital camera in the windows for videoconference in netmeeting/msn but if you try to use in gnome meeting as v4l or v4l2 video mode a driver is unavailable.
In particular, Fuji Film don't never nevermind release the full hardware specifications to linux comunity, that is costricted to study/hack the firmware/hardware to make a suitable video driver for linux.
The politic of fuji, but also other brand (canon, minolta, and about totally) is support microsoft but don't support linux.
So fuji S5100/S5500 don't work as webcam yet.
consider this if you buy this webcam.
Note: the hardware is best for webcam (640x480 at 30fps) but don't work.