Browsers | Adobe Flash Uninstaller
Date: 02/04/2021 04:41 PM Size: 1.7 MB License: Freeware Requires: OS X 10.6/10.7/10.8/10.9/10.10/10.11/10.12/10.13/10.14/10.15 Downloaded: 8138 times TIP: MacKeeper app delivers a secure and private internet experience, while helping your Mac run like new. |
• Download the Adobe Flash Player uninstaller:
• On Safari, select Window > Downloads. If you are using Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion), click the Download icon displayed on the browser. On Mozilla, select Tools > Downloads.
• Double-click the Uninstaller icon in the window to run the uninstaller. If you see a message asking if you want to open the uninstaller file, click Open.
• When the uninstaller starts, click Uninstall.
• Bookmark or print this page so that you can use the rest of these instructions after you close your browser.
• To close all browsers, either click the browser name in the Uninstaller dialog box, or close each browser manually and then click Retry. Note: Do not click Quit in the Uninstaller window. It stops the uninstallation process.
• After you close the browsers, the uninstaller continues automatically until the uninstallation is complete. When you see the message notifying you that the uninstallation succeeded, click Done.
• Delete the following directories:
<home directory>/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash\ Player
<home directory>/Library/Caches/Adobe/Flash\ Player
For more information and detailed instructions see Adobe's Uninstaller page.
• Download is for current version
• Adobe Flash Uninstaller for OS X 10.4 and 10.5
• Adobe Flash Uninstaller for OS X 10.3 and earlier
OS X 10.6+